Eat, Drink, and Be Mary!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Food, Glorious Food!

I finished my cleanse yesterday and today I had my first food in 10 days! An olive. It was the best tasting olive I've ever had. Obviously I can't immediately chow down on a big meal. My stomach and system have gotten used to liquids only. Want to know the results? I lost 10 pounds. I haven't looked or felt this good since high school. And now that I have proved to myself that it can be done I feel like the work is worth it. Today I get to snack on things all day to introduce food back to my stomach. I bought trail mix, cheese & crackers, and of course, olives. Sounds weird for someone with a sweet tooth like me, but cutting sugar out of your diet like that helped me break the addition. I am so proud of myself. It was very hard to resist when I was at my catering jobs with access to delicious food for free, but I stayed strong. Yeah, for me!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Eat, Drink, well maybe just Drink!

I decided to try a thing called The Master Cleanse. Basically for 10 days (min) you eat nothing and you drink a mixture of fresh squeezed lemon juice, organic grade B (i'm told this is important) maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. Sound gross huh? Well, it's not that bad. It tastes like spicy lemonade. The reason for this is two fold, (hee, hee, who uses that phrase?) 1: To lose weight. 2: It really cleanses your whole body. The pepper actually helps with your respitory and circulatory systems. The lemon juice breaks up mucuse in your body that is store everywhere, like my aching knees. I'm not going to lie, Day 1 was hard. All day, all I thought about was food. And for those who know me well, you know I value eating above most things. (yes, even that!) But I decided to do this and I wanted to stay committed. I did have 3 baby carrots for dinner. That's okay for the first few days. Day 2 was the worst. All I thought about was food and I was hungry all day. I just kept myself busy thinking of Jennifer Garner in a bikini and then myself in that same bikini. Day 3 was bad because I spent a lot of time in the bathroom. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) You see, you are supposed to drink this "special tea" at bedtime to help your body flush all the toxins and stuff out. Apparently it works really well for me. Day 4 still a little hungry but so much more barable. Its now Day 5 and I feel like I will be coasting to Day 10. I always knew how mentally and emotionally attached to food I was, but this has really opened up my eyes to it. I'm pretty dang addicted to eating. Oh, the good news is I've lost about 6 pounds. I have to guess because I forgot to weight myself Day 1. Did I mention I can't wait to go to the Olive Garden and pig out when I'm done?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I love these guys. We went to college together and now they are rock stars. Checkout their music on their webpage!

Monday, July 18, 2005


It is very frustrating to have money for a house, but not be able to find the right one to live in. That's right. We have to be out of our apartment in a few weeks, and we don't have a new place to call home. Thelma and I have being looking for a place to accomedate us, Sofia, and Bonnie & Clyde. Bonnie and Clyde are moving out from Wilmington. And Sofia joined the gang after a break up from her long time boyfriend. We had a great place, but they screwed us over after 3 weeks and went with the other applicant. I haven't slept well in 2 weeks. I've had a cold for 11 days now. I am still driving a rental because my car is in the shop from the rear-ending. And I got a ticket for going right on red. (there was a sign) Did I mention that my face looks like a 13 year-olds!?!? That's right. I decided to have terrible skin now at 25, rather than as a teenager. Doesn't sound like much fun, huh? Well, it isn't. I can't even be excited about working at Lionel Richie's house! Well, maybe a little.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Count your blessings

The bomb attacks in London today, were almost more of an eye opener for me than 911. I think its because, it proves: It can happen to anyone at anytime. Although 911 was startling and here on our own soil, I can understand why people hate America. We are the big guy. Considered one of(if not THE) biggest and most powerful nations in the world and we let everybody know that. We also tend to spread ourselves out amongst the world "helping" everyone to be more like us. In some ways, we do a lot of good for the world. Yeah, US! But in other's eyes, we are seen as meddlers, conquerors who plan to squash the prexisting religions and government of the countries we "help". But, what about England? Or even Spain? They were the victim of bombing attacks recently too. Also, it reminds us that terrorist attacks will never over for good. When its us against them, things seem more control. Like when the world was fighting Hitler. We all knew who the bad guy was and we all got together and got him. But today it seems like, they hate us, we hate them, they also hate them, but not really those guys and those guys don't hate them, but they do hate that other guy. That to me is scary. I suddenly feel like I might know just a little how our grandfathers and grandmothers must have felt during the cold war. Why can't we all just get along?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Happy 4th to You!

If you can't be grillin' out with your friends and family on the fourth of July, you might as well be working at Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell's house. So that's what I did. They had a little family and friends get together for the 4th and for their son's birthday (Wyatt). It was cool to see Kate Hudson (so pretty), hubby Chris Robinson and child Ryder (not so cute). Even better was seeing Oliver Hudson (hottie). They were all pretty laid back. The best part was when I left their lovely beach home in Malibu and right outside their house, a male prositute tried to pick me up. The man was wearing a full lenth vinyl jacket and plaid pants. He might have been the ugliest man I have seen in quite some time. I suppose I look just that deserate.