Eat, Drink, well maybe just Drink!
I decided to try a thing called The Master Cleanse. Basically for 10 days (min) you eat nothing and you drink a mixture of fresh squeezed lemon juice, organic grade B (i'm told this is important) maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. Sound gross huh? Well, it's not that bad. It tastes like spicy lemonade. The reason for this is two fold, (hee, hee, who uses that phrase?) 1: To lose weight. 2: It really cleanses your whole body. The pepper actually helps with your respitory and circulatory systems. The lemon juice breaks up mucuse in your body that is store everywhere, like my aching knees. I'm not going to lie, Day 1 was hard. All day, all I thought about was food. And for those who know me well, you know I value eating above most things. (yes, even that!) But I decided to do this and I wanted to stay committed. I did have 3 baby carrots for dinner. That's okay for the first few days. Day 2 was the worst. All I thought about was food and I was hungry all day. I just kept myself busy thinking of Jennifer Garner in a bikini and then myself in that same bikini. Day 3 was bad because I spent a lot of time in the bathroom. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) You see, you are supposed to drink this "special tea" at bedtime to help your body flush all the toxins and stuff out. Apparently it works really well for me. Day 4 still a little hungry but so much more barable. Its now Day 5 and I feel like I will be coasting to Day 10. I always knew how mentally and emotionally attached to food I was, but this has really opened up my eyes to it. I'm pretty dang addicted to eating. Oh, the good news is I've lost about 6 pounds. I have to guess because I forgot to weight myself Day 1. Did I mention I can't wait to go to the Olive Garden and pig out when I'm done?
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