It is very frustrating to have money for a house, but not be able to find the right one to live in. That's right. We have to be out of our apartment in a few weeks, and we don't have a new place to call home. Thelma and I have being looking for a place to accomedate us, Sofia, and Bonnie & Clyde. Bonnie and Clyde are moving out from Wilmington. And Sofia joined the gang after a break up from her long time boyfriend. We had a great place, but they screwed us over after 3 weeks and went with the other applicant. I haven't slept well in 2 weeks. I've had a cold for 11 days now. I am still driving a rental because my car is in the shop from the rear-ending. And I got a ticket for going right on red. (there was a sign) Did I mention that my face looks like a 13 year-olds!?!? That's right. I decided to have terrible skin now at 25, rather than as a teenager. Doesn't sound like much fun, huh? Well, it isn't. I can't even be excited about working at Lionel Richie's house! Well, maybe a little.
hey.. dont be sad. you'll find a house! and i just saw you the other day, nothin is wrong with your face, youre adorable! i think you should ask lionel richie to sing you that song 'easy like sunday morning'.
Since you are in the Lionel Richie Fan Club, you should be honored! I'm sorry you are having such a $%1++y time right now. Things will look up shortly, just hang in there, Booberry. Besides, if it does all blow up you can always come nanny your adorable niece Camden.
I think you should produce your own indie homemade film. If that vampire dork can do it, SURELY you can. Amy had an idea for a big DVD seller, just ask her!
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