Family Values
I always believed in love at first sight, but it has never really happened to me. Until I met my nephew Ryan. When I flew home to me the little bugger, he was 4 weeks old. The minute I held him, I loved him. It's odd how a complete stranger could make me feel that way. Yes, I know he's a cute little baby and everyone loves a cute little baby, but it was different. I felt the same way the instant I held my niece Camden as well. (Did I just write "as well"?) The weird thing was, unlike most women, it DID NOT make me want kids of my own. I just love them unconditionally. Having a close relationship with my sisters has an affect on how I feel about their children. I wish everyone could be an Aunt. So the moral of the story is: Have more than one kid. A. Its great to have siblings. They team up with you against your parents. B. Siblings = nieces and nephews = happiness.

yay for blogging! im gonna read regularly. how did you get that picture in there? i wanna do that!
So I do all the hard work of baby-having and YOU reap all the rewards. As Ed Rooney once said, "So that's how it is in their family..."
-Camden's mommy
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