Photos and Friends
Nothing much going on now. Thank God! Oh, wait, that's a lie. Me, Thelma and Sofia are moved into our new place. And we love it. Sometimes I just sit there and think "I live here". Now that that is settled I can concetrate on the rest of my life. I have decided to put my good photographic eye to use and start a photography business. I am very excited about it and I just plopped down a bunch of money for a fancy new digital camera so I better be damn excited. Luckily I have a sister who is an amazing graphic designer so I will have a killer website. People might actually take me seriously. Probably not. So that's a good thing that is happening.
Side note: My friend Jarrod (the one I moved to LA with) is on a new show on Pax (now called i network). Please check it out. August 28th at 8pm. I can't promise it will be good because, hey, I haven't seen it either people! But it is filming in South Carolina, so I gots to give some props. Plus, my boy is in it. Here's the website:

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