My Business Adventure
Well, I'm off and running! Well, not really running. More like waiting. I decided a while back that I wanted to start taking headshots as a way to make money and be creative at the same time. So, I bought a great (but expensive) camera, shot all my friends for free, and charmed my talented sister into putting together a beautiful website for me. I have my business cards all printed up, my prices set affordably, and my hopes high. So far, nothing. Apparently people don't just show up at your door, money in hand ready to give it to you. So lesson learned: marketing. I have started putting ads up on craigslist and handing cards out whenever I can. Now I am complaining to you! (That's your cue to take pity and recommend me to a friend who needs headshots or just tell me how talented I am. Your choice.) I am sure things will happen at some point. Lets just keep our fingers crossed.

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