Young Grasshopper
On Saturday, I had my first belt testing for Taekwondo. I am proud to say that I am now a yellow belt! It only took me four months. Watch out Jennifer Garner! On a crappier note, yesterday I was in my first accident. I was stopped on an exit ramp off the 405 and a man rear-ended me. He was very nice. (well, it was his fault.) My bumper was the only thing damaged, and never of us were hurt. I cried for about 30 minutes straight. The weird things were:
a) we both had insurance and it was the same carrier(strange for california)
b) I had just left the Honda place because I had a minor thing fixed on my car.
c) the guy lives on the same street that we applied for a house on. I hope that's a sign that we are going to get it.