Where's My Reset Button?
Considering I usually work everyday and have no time for myself, I shouldn't complain about the recent onslaught of activity in my life. My friend Bridgetta and I went to Miami March 23-27th. It was a lot of fun. I had never really been. (besides the night before the cruise last year.) That city is crazy. Guys were hootin' and hollarin' at us the whole time. Granted Bridgetta is a beautiful girl and looks like a model. It just amazes me the audacity that some people have. Does it ever really work to yell at a girl when you are driving pass her in a car at 25 mph? Is she just going to shout out her number so she can meet up with you later for a sexual redevous? Highlights of the trip: Went to a club(Space) at 6am til 9am and danced our butts off. Rode on a boat so fast, I think my laugh lines are smoothed out. Ate at an Indian restaurant, Guru, that made me want to worship Vishnu. Saw inside the Versace mansion. Got a tan.(If you know how white I am, then you know how much this means to me, however little.) Oh, and we had at least one mojito a day!

So just as I return from Miami, the following weekend was the 2nd Annual Chad Hall Birthday Retreat! Just like last year, my boss gave us free lift passes to Snow Summit, so Erin, Chad, Brain and I went up to Big Bear for his birthday April 1-3rd. This year was even better than last for two reasons: Sunscreen, we remembered it and prevented what was last year a helluva burn. Soreness, apparently we were all more in shape that last year and weren't quite as wiped out. Our dinner at Paoli's was delicious, although it was much more crowded this year because of the better ski conditions. We tried to make it to Chad's Bar, but the heck with paying a $5 cover. Please, we from LA!

I think I am ready to just do nothing for a while. Well, except work of course!