When You Least Expect it...
So, I have been in LA for two years now. And ever since I've been here I have been doing extra work in hopes of somehow getting into SAG. Either by getting a line(not real hopeful about that one, but hey it happens) or by getting 3 SAG vouchers. In the time I've been doing this I have had 4 featured roles that did not get me a voucher. When I started nannying in Feb, I practically stopped doing extra work. There hadn't been all that much progress and with the catering I was getting plenty of work. Well, my 2 year registration with the extras casting was up in August. I decided to sign back up, just in case I needed extra money sometime. I took a new picture and re-enlisted. Within 2 weeks I started getting called by the company. (they had never called me in the previous 2 years). On monday I went on a interview or a lookey loo as I call it, to be a photo double for an actress on the new show E-ring, Kelsy Oldershaw.

Didn't get it. But I did get my first SAG voucher! Yeah! And I didn't even do anything, but let the director look at me. Score! Isn't Hollywood strange.
A little extra news: I had an audition today for a horror film and it went great! Whether I get it or not, at least I felt good about the audition. Also auditioning for the same role as me: Cindy Brady (Olivia Hack) from A Very Brady Sequel!